Sunday, October 28, 2007

Two Tourists, if Proof were needed

Yes, you are absuolutely right. In the early hours of this morning, the Boston RedSox won the 2007 World Series, sweeping the Rockies 4 and 0 in the best of 7 series. Just had to publish a day early this week as I know you just wanted to be sure that your newly adopted team won through. Whether you wanted to or not you have followed their adventure since June. If you Believed, then your faith has been rewarded. Celebrate now, have a great Thanksgiving and look forward to the 2008 season!

Meanwhile we left you in Stavanger having just arrived at our hotel in the late affternoon....

That evening, 24 June 2007, we walked down Gamle Stavanger, 200 years of wooden buildings in great preserve and the streets in very clean condition. B was impressed by the number of rose bushes! We kept walking till we got to the “Sting” cafĂ© where once again the Rough Guide came good on its recommendation….the Chicken Satay was good and so what if we doubled the average age!
Later that night we went to the movies. This time “Death Proof” where director Quentin Tarantino (PULP FICTION) pays homage to his favorite B-movies. Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell) stalks women in his deadly vintage car, but when he picks a trio of tough girls (Rosario Dawson, Tracie Thoms, and Zoe Bell), he learns they aren’t such easy prey. As with any Tarantino film, there are plenty of nods to pop culture. Most of the scenes are deliberately short on plot development, the dialogue comes thick and fast throughout, and the film stock is often cleverly manipulated to perfectly replicate B-movies. The film was originally released as part of the Grindhouse double feature with Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror but it bombed financially in the US and so was released alone, albeit some 20 minutes longer, in Europe. It’s different. The debate on its merits or otherwise fills pages in print and on line. I was fascinated that at the end everyone was animated and talking and debating as they left the cinema. Sign of an artist engaging with his audience? I thought so. B’s critique is short and to the point ‘What garbage – I left after 30 mins..’
Next morning we ‘did’ Stavanger much as we had done Oslo previoulsly, but making sure to test the cafes, including McDonalds. The museums were excellent. The Oil museum is an education in itself and the restaurant is top quality(thanks to I&R who compete with Rough Guide as travel guides). Next we did the Maritime museum and the Canning museum. We both enjoyed this experience. Life must have been tough a couple of hundred years ago, especially when the herring disappeared from the shores around 1890 and no one knows why. The town nearly went bankrupt.

The locals all appeared friendly ...

We also visited the Dom Kirke. It has been serving the population of Stavanger (now 100,000) since the twelfth century. B was really impressed with the hand carved wooden pulpit.
Having checked every possible shop in Stavanger we finally got the baseball caps B was looking for and then did dinner at “Sting” again. Then we saw the ship arriving in so we headed back to the hotel, retrieved our gear from the left luggage room, got back into bikers gear and hit the road once more. Until next week I’ll leave you with the pictures…………

And some time for quiet reflection as we near the end of this adventure ......................


Anonymous said...

Wow - we don't get "B" for months ..... and then we get LOADS of him!!

Go Sox! OK, well done .... Sox, and John on keeping us abreast with developments. Now I know a bit about baseball. So LET'S GO YANKEES!!

I particularly like that picture of the wooden bench in the maritime or canning museum(?). Light spilling through the window and the scene kept unspoilt by a flash.

Thumbs up to friendy locals. This trip seems to have been, not just an exploration of Norway scenary, but definitely a study of what their eateries have to offer! And for any interested bikers on this Arctic bikers site we get - "got back into bikers gear and hit the road once more". I love it!

I remain reflecting on B B B B B B B B B ........

Anonymous said...

Reflective commments too...caused me to pause and think... great! Bench is in the canning museum. Let's go see the Yankees: will that do as a compromise? Will be back on the bikes for one last time next week. Until then....

Anonymous said...

Whew! I'm back in time..... I was afraid the blog would have wrapped before I got to comment again. As you know we were away for the week and the week before that we had limited access as 'project bathroom' was on-going. (its done - its fantastic - its 'richard-proof' .... I hope!!)

I too was stunned to see a face on B - I had got used to seeing him feature-less - you look better with the bits B!!

I was delighted to read in last weeks blog that you are still careful on the bike - one S in any family is enough!!

Beautiful pictures again - I hope some of these have made it to canvas.

Anonymous said...

Now both S&C have spoken so we can move to close......